
The safety of the persons using the reservoir is paramount. This includes both water safety and health safety. Any violations, possible safety issues, possible violations of the RRC Athlete Safety Policy, or safety questions should be reported to and resolved with the coach or other RRC representative person.  Incident reporting should also be done using the link on Boathouse Connect.

All current requirements for RRC members who participate in rowing on the Rivanna Reservoir shall be maintained (e.g., swimming certification, liability waivers, flip tests for single-scull rowers).

Viewing of the US Rowing Safety Video is required.  This can be found on the US Rowing website ( under SAFETY and using the Safety Video link.  The video is about 40 minutes long and the section regarding rowing in the cold is extremely important to watch prior to the start of our on-the-water season.

The U.S. Rowing SafeSport Training program is required viewing for all RRC coaches and athletes. It takes about 30 minutes and must be completed every year. It is an interactive program and very informative regarding identifying and preventing various forms of misconduct.  It can also be found on US Rowing website by clicking on the SafeSport link on the home page.

The following safety videos are also very helpful.

Emergency Equipment

Emergency Action Plans

Emergencies requiring EMS

Boathouse address:  276 Woodlands Road, Charlottesville, VA

Refer to safety cards on the launch if you are not near the boathouse and emergency is such that EMS should come to another location (i.e., dam, judges dock, little bridge, etc.)

Once you are at the BH, have one person in the driveway to direct EMS to the injured person(s).

Call the injured athlete’s parents.  There is a blue binder in the black box that has all the “Emergency Card Cards” for each athlete.

Heat Illness Emergency

Weather Emergency

Evacuation at electrical storm activity of 10 miles as notified by the WeatherBug app.  

Safe location:  Boathouse

Athletes will leave the water ASAP and proceed to boathouse until there is a 30 minutes clear

Launching will NOT occur if there is storm activity within 15 miles.

Evacuation upon Tornado warning as notified by the WeatherBug app.

Safe location:  UVA Men’s or Women’s locker rooms/back wall (closest to the parking lot)

Actions Before Launching

It is good practice for rowers or a coxswain to carry a whistle, a cell phone, and some boat tools. Requirements for coxswains regarding wearing PFDs and carrying tools and communication devices are described in the section “Coxswain Safety Requirements” below.

When using club boats, if not in a coached program rowers should record the boat name and rowers’ names on the log at the Sculler’s Desk. Also make sure to put name, date, time out and expected return time on the wipe board at the Sculler’s Desk. After rowing, the return of the boat and rowers should be indicated, by erasing name from the wipe board.

Rowers should be familiar with the waterway, traffic direction, other users of the water, and other boats and launches on the reservoir when they are rowing.

In & On the Boats

Know Your Water

Equipment Safety Rules

Boat Equipment Safety (check daily):  

Weather Considerations

The “safe” threshold temperature for combined air/water temperature is 100°F.  Whenever this combined temperature is below 100°F, the decision to allow rowing will be a collective decision by the coach. If rowing is allowed with the combined temperature of 100°F, we will employ the “four oar rule” - no less than four oars must be in each shell this includes two singles or a double.

Rowing should not be started or should be curtailed with the appearance of lightning within about 15 miles of the reservoir. 

Rowing during darkness (early morning hours) results in added danger and risks. Boats must be equipped with proper running lights.

Watch the Weather

If lightning is within 10 miles do not launch.

If on the water, return to the dock immediately.

In Warm Weather

Sculling Safety Requirements

Know Your Water

Coxswain Safety Requirements

Coxswains must wear PFDs in the cold temperature seasons.  It is highly recommended that coxswains always wear or bring a PFD.

Rowers & Coxswains


On the Launch

Guidelines for Coaches

Novice Rowers

RRC classifies every rower/sculler a Novice for 12 months following completion of a Learn to Row (LTR) or Learn to Scull (LTS) class. Rowers may be reclassified by the Boathouse Captain or their program coach, based on time on the water and demonstrated skill level.