RRC Covid Safety Plan

Purpose: This document will outline the roles, responsibilities, and design for RRC’s running of programs at the VRA boathouse during the 2022 season. Note, this plan is subject to change based upon changing conditions and knowledge concerning COVID cases, SARS-CoV-2 variants and vaccine effectiveness.

Background: As a new normal emerges we are planning to resume both sculling and sweep rowing programs during Spring/Summer 2022, subject to the COVID Safety Plan as adopted by the Board of Directors. There may be opportunities to compete as the season unfolds, but these opportunities are not guaranteed. Critical elements of this plan will include vaccination requirements, social distancing, hand hygiene, and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use. As we have made it through 2020 and 2021 without an outbreak attributed to programs or proximity to the Boathouse we are strongly motivated that we strive to maintain this status as the world continues to adapt and respond to this ever evolving epidemic.

It is acknowledged that much has happened during the past year, including approved vaccines, better treatment regimens and a decline in hospitalizations for critical care. Further, as vaccines are now more plentiful, each month creates more protected people of whom many will be Club Members, guests and coaches. Lastly, it is also known that there will be some Club Members who will choose to not become vaccinated as is their choice. So we will rely on “safe personal choice” for all those who join RRC as Members.

RRC Core Principles for its COVID Safety Plan:

Entry/Exit at the Boathouse

Rowers/Coxswains and Coaches

